
Top 5 Best and Worst States For Trucking

Not all states are created equal when it comes to truckers and trucking companies. There are numerous elements that go into doing business in the trucking industry. What works well for truckers in one state can be very challenging in a neighboring state. Regardless of the differences in states across the country, there are some 500,000 for-hire fleets traveling the roads today generating more than $800 billion in 2016.

Best Worst States Trucking

In a survey of 3,287 people involved in the industry, Merchant Cash USA was able to develop a list of the five best and five worst states for truckers. The survey was conducted via email and social media and covered questions regarding certain fees and regulations in specific states, cost of overnight parking, how friendly states were to drivers and if location in the United States mattered. According to the information gathered, Merchant Cash USA was able to calculate the best and worst states to own and operate a company.

Best States For Trucking

Worst States For Trucking

The good news is the industry continues to grow, which means there’s opportunity for states to better the conditions for trucking companies to open. Elements that trucking companies consider when determining where to open and operate include the state regulations that control what companies do – like enacting emissions caps. When states change their emissions regulations, trucking companies must adjust their entire fleets to meet those regulations, a timely and costly process. Another sticking point for trucking companies is the rules regarding truckers’ driving hours. Tighter rules mean companies may need to hire more drivers to stay within regulation and still complete all jobs.

Experts say Tennessee is relatively less regulated and less strict when it comes to environmental factors. The state is centrally located to the southern region, has well-maintained roads, and has one of the best state income tax structures – all which likely played a part in boosting the state to the top of the list for companies.


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