

July 10, 2024 123Loadboard

Maximizing Income for Truck Drivers: Strategies and Tips

Truck driving is not just a job; it’s a livelihood that requires dedication, skill, and strategy for maximizing income and earnings. Whether you’re a seasoned driver or just starting in the industry, there are several proven methods to increase your income and make the most out of your time on the road.

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Latest Blog Posts

June 18, 2024 123Loadboard

Cooking on the Road: A Truck Driver’s Guide to Delicious Meals

Being a truck driver often means long hours on the road, miles away from home-cooked meals and the convenience of a kitchen. However, with a bit of creativity and preparation, it’s entirely possible to enjoy delicious and nutritious meals right from the comfort of your truck cab. Here’s a guide to cooking on the road as a truck driver…

April 30, 2024 123Loadboard

Choosing the Best Truck and Trailer to Maximize Trucking Profits

Having the best truck and trailer is the single most important factor in setting up your trucking business. Selecting the right equipment type not only ensures the efficiency and safety of your operations but also impacts your earning potential.

January 3, 2024 123Loadboard

Our 2023 Year in review and what’s next for 2024

2023 was a difficult year in trucking to say the least, but we still delivered on last year’s promise – FREIGHT. We said we would bring you more freight and we stuck by that through meeting face-to-face with brokers and attending 10+ trade shows in 2023 with this goal in mind.

    November 13, 2023 123Loadboard

    Surviving Long Haul Trucking: A Practical Guide to Making Trucking Life More Comfortable

    Long haul trucking can be challenging, but a few simple tweaks to your routine can make a world of difference. Here, we’ll share some practical ways to make your trucking life more comfortable, ensuring you’re ready to tackle each haul with confidence.